Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences (S4)

S4 Fellows Program

All Ph.D. students who successfully complete the GIS institute become members of the S4 Graduate Fellows Program. The Fellows Program aims to increase Brown graduate students' skills in GIS and spatial analysis and to create opportunities for networking across disciplinary boundaries.

Recognizing and Cultivating Leaders

The S4 Fellows program provides recognition to Brown graduate students who are developing skills in spatial analysis and GIS tools. The first Fellows were the graduate students and post-docs that completed the inaugural S4 GIS Institute. Now the program recognizes students who have received training from other sources and have an expressed interest in continuing to use and develop these skills. Fellows come from a diverse set of departments and programs at Brown including representatives from the Social, Natural, and Medical Sciences as well as the Humanities. They naturally become consultants for other students in their home departments, and they sometimes assist in S4's GIS Institute or other training activities.

Fellows have access to the full range of expertise, infrastructure, equipment, and technology of S4. Fellows will also be invited to regular and special S4 events and have access to special Fellow funding. Fellows provide consulting assistance to other students and faculty, and they may also be involved in S4 training workshops or future GIS Institutes. Occassionally, a small number of exceptional S4 Fellows are named Senior Fellows in recognition of their contribution to GIS training, research, and outreach.

Application to the GIS Institute constitutes application to the Fellows Program. Students who believe they qualify through similar training should contact Kevin Mwenda, Interim Director of S4.

Related Information

S4 offers grants to Fellows to support the use of spatial analysis in their research.
We select Senior Fellows on the basis of their participation in S4 events, their assistance in training and workshop activities, and their expertise and commitment to high quality spatially informed research.