Kelloway, Sarah J., VanValkenburgh, Parker, Iñañez, Javier G., Dussubieux, Laure, Quilter, Jeffrey, Glascock, Michael D. Identifying New World majolica from 16th–18th Century sites on Peru's north coast. Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports/Journal of Archaeological Science: Reports. 2018; 17 : 311-324.
VanValkenburgh, Parker Historias galonadas: la genealogía de reducción, paisaje y población en los valles de Zaña y Chamán, Perú. 2017; : 223-260.
Parker VanValkenburgh, Sarah J. Kelloway, Karen L. Privat, Bill Sillar, Jeffrey QuilterRethinking cultural hybridity and technology transfer: SEM microstructural analysis of lead glazed ceramics from early colonial Peru. Journal of Archaeological Science. 2017; 82 : 17–30.
VanValkenburgh, Parker Unsettling Time: Persistence and Memory in Spanish Colonial Peru. Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory/Journal of Archaeological Method and Theory. 2017; 24 (1) : 117-148
Sobotkova, A., Ross, S., Ballsun-Stanton, B., Fairbairn, A., Thompson, J., & VanValkenburgh, P. Measure twice, cut once: cooperative deployment of a generalised, archaeology-specific field data collection system. 2016; : 337-371.
VanValkenburgh, Parker Produciendo Chérrepe: reducción, etnia y performance en los valles de Zaña y Chamán, siglos XVI y XVII. Boletín de Arqueología PUCP/Boletín de Arqueología PUCP. 2016; (20) : 129-148.
Kelloway, S. J., Ferguson, T. J., Iñañez, J. G., Vanvalkenburgh, P., Roush, C. C., Gibbs, M., Glascock, M. D. Sherds on the Edge: Characterization of 16th Century Colonial Spanish Pottery Recovered from the Solomon Islands. Archaeometry/Archaeometry. 2015; 58 (4) : 549-573.
VanValkenburgh, Parker, Kelloway, Sarah J., Dussubieux, Laure, Quilter, Jeffrey, Glascock, Michael D. The production and circulation of indigenous lead-glazed ceramics in northern Peru during Spanish colonial times.Journal of Archaeological Science/Journal of Archaeological Science. 2015; 61 : 172-185.
Kennedy, Sarah A., VanValkenburgh, Parker Zooarchaeology and Changing Food Practices at Carrizales, Peru Following the Spanish Invasion. International Journal of Historical Archaeology/International Journal of Historical Archaeology. 2015; 20 (1) : 73-104.
Vanvalkenburgh, Parker, Walker, Chester P., Sturm, Jennie O. Gradiometer and Ground-penetrating Radar Survey of TwoReducciónSettlements in the Zaña Valley, Peru. Archaeological Prospection/Archaeological Prospection. 2014; 22 (2) : 117-129.