Spatial Structures in the Social Sciences (S4)

Offered Spring 2025

1. Required foundational courses (select two of these)

SOC 2961B. Applications in Geographic Information Systems. Review of selected topics requiring spatial analysis, including substantive readings and lab-based replication of research results. M 1pm-4pm   Instructor: Kevin Mwenda

2. Elective courses

a. Advanced courses in spatial methods (strongly recommended for quantitatively oriented students)

b. Disciplinary offerings

ECON 2410. Urbanization. Advanced land use theory, sources of productivity advantages of size and density, systems of cities and New Economic Geography models.   MW 9am-10:20am  Instructor: Matthew Turner

SOC 2960C. Urban Sociology. Urban development as a social and political process, where space and place are important at multiple scales: neighborhoods, cities, regions, nations. M 1pm-4pm   Instructor: John Logan